Connor goes to business schoolOur Research Assistant, Connor Pogue, is accepted by the TAMU Business School! He will leave our lab and start his master program on June...
Dr. Guo Fu joins the labWe are pleased to announce that Dr. Guo Fu just joined our lab as a Postdoctoral Associate. Dr. Fu has rich experience in...
Dr. Jee moves to TennesseeDr. Changhoon Jee just moved to the University of Tennessee and became an Assistant Professor there. Congratulations to Dr. Jee!
Our collaboration work with Dr. Hongmin Qin's group is published in the Journal of Cell ScienceThe paper "IFT57 stabilizes the assembled intraflagellar transport complex and mediates transport of motility-related flagellar cargo"...
Beiyan's commentary article is published in Current BiologyBeiyan's commentary article "Bacterial Gliding Motility: Rolling Out A Consensus Model" is published in the February 20 issue of Current...
Connor Pogue joins the labWe are excited to announce that Mr. Connor Pogue is joining our group as a Research Assistant in January 2017! Connor got his bachelor...
Tianyi is giving a talk on BLAST XIVThe 14th international conference on bacterial locomotion and signal transduction (BLAST XIV) will be held January 15-20, 2017 in New...
Dr. Changhoon Jee joins our labThe lab is excited to announce that Dr. Changhoon Jee will join our research team on December 1st. Dr. Jee got his PhD degree from...
Tianyi's paper is acceptedOur manuscript titled Exopolysaccharides promote Myxococcus xanthus social motility by inhibiting cellular reversals has been accepted...
Welcome new rotation studentsTwo new graduate students, Kristen Consalvo and Amanda Petty, just started their rotation in our group! Welcome Kristen and Amanda! We...