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Our collaboration paper is accepted by PNAS
Our collaboration paper with Dr. Mandadapu at UC Berkeley, "Mechanisms for bacterial gliding motility on soft substrates" is just...
New upgrade on our microscope
Thanks to a supplement grant from NIH, we just upgraded our super-resolution microscope. The new set up will have the ability to image in...
Elias Topo joins the lab
Our group is excited to announce that Elias Topo has joined us as a Research Assistant.
Andrew performs collaborative research at Yale
The lab has sent our undergraduate student, Andrew Burton, to Yale for a collaborative project. Andrew will be performing cryo...
Our collaboration paper is published in Small as cover story
A collaboration paper from Dr. Hongcai Zhou's group and our group, "Investigating Subcellular Compartment Targeting Effect of Porous...
Dr. Tanmoy Mukherjee joins the lab
Dr. Tanmoy Mukherjee, a newly minted PhD from the University of Tennessee, will start his postdoc in our group on September 1st. Welcome...
Beiyan's NIH proposal secures great score
We just heard from the NIH PCMB study section that Beiyan's grant proposal obtained an excellent score. We expect that our research will...
Guo's paper is accepted by PNAS
Guo's paper, titled "MotAB-like machinery drives the movement of MreB filaments during bacterial gliding motility" is accepted by PNAS....
Connor's paper is accepted by Molecular Microbiology
Our manuscript entitled "PlpA, a PilZ-like protein, regulates directed motility of the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus" has been accepted...
Dr. Huan Zhang joins the lab
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Huan Zhang has joined our lab on June 1st. Dr. Zhang got her B.Sc and Master degrees in Shandong...
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